Monday, June 29, 2009

I wish all of this pain would go Away

For the last six months I have been having pain in my lower abdomin. I so far had had, two sonograms, a cat scan and an emergency room visit. They said the reason why I am in so much pain lately is because I have ovarian cysts that are bursting inside of me. Today I went again to see the doctor. In two weeks they are going to give me another sonogram. They want to maybe do a laproscope to see if I have endometreosis. The doctor also thinks I have a GI problem too. When I went to the Emergency room they told me to take pain killers for the pain, well the pain killers don't even help.
When the doctor pushed down on my abdomen today it hurt so bad I was crying and eversince the pain has not gone away. Jacob is so active and wants to run and play but all I can do is watch from the sidelines. It hurts when I walk, stand for long periods of time, or go up the stairs.I just want all the pain to stop and so I can take Jacob to the park and Clean my house with out any repercussions.
I will try to keep you updated as I find out more from the doctors and the test they run on me.


The Pastor of a Small Rural Church said...
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The Pastor of a Small Rural Church said...

We are praying for you! Been missing you in church lately! Hope the Dr's can get you back on your feet.

Pastor Byron